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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Caffeine and Tea

green tea plantation

Caffeine and green tea: Comparison mg of caffeine content per green tea variety, coffee, black tea, etc. effect of preparation, temperature, infusion and tips.

The caffeine in tea

The caffeine (or caffeine) is contained in some 60 plant alkaloid (1,3,7-trimethylxanthine) from the substance group of xanthines. The names Tein and Thein (or even falsely theine) are equivalent to the caffeine in tea, but are in professional circles as outdated. It is bitter tasting and has a strong stimulating effect, which is why it has been used in Asia for millennia by Buddhist monks for meditation. Caffeine is one of the phytochemicals and is mainly used for insect repellent made. In green tea, it is bound in a special form and interact strongly with L-Theanine and has as according to numerous studies, many extremely positive effects on health that are unfortunately too little known.

The complex issue of caffeine is to consider the following key points:

Caffeine content in mg tableComparison of coffee, espresso, etc. and the main types of tea
And caffeine steeping timeHow does the caffeine content by prolonged infusion time?
Healthy effectNumerous positive effects on the health
Recommended limit 300 mg per day?
Caffeine teas armsBancha and Karigane, Kukicha
Tips in Dealing with caffeineTeas and times, preparation

Comparison caffeine (mg) teas

The comparison of the amount of pure caffeine from coffee, green tea, black tea and other caffeinated drinks is often not done precisely. For one thing - as listed above especially crucial - if the caffeine is bound to tannins and what other ingredients are available. On the other hand, the caffeine content varies depending on the type of tea. Then, it's ultimately not just about the caffeine content in the dry matter, but how much coffee or tea is used for brewing a cup and how much is released into the water during brewing. A comprehensive comparison is given in the table in mg of caffeine .

Caffeine in green tea by type

It should be emphasized that the various types of green tea have a very different caffeine content. This ranges from the shaded tea Gyokuro, Tencha and matcha with a particularly high amount (similar to coffee), the still high level of Sencha (unshaded tea from the leaves) of the first harvest, slightly lower values ​​of Sencha second plucking and the variety Benifuuki, to the relatively low content in the mixed rice with sencha (Genmaicha), the older leaves of the tea (Bancha) and the tea made ​​from the stems of the tea plant (Karigane / Kukicha), which only very little contains caffeine. However Karigane from Gyokuro contains a little more caffeine than Karigane from Sencha. The caffeine content is determined primarily by three factors:
  1. Young plant parts (buds and young leaves small) have significantly more caffeine than older plant parts (leaves and stems older).
  2. The first picking = harvest has significantly more caffeine than the second plucking.
  3. Shaded teas (eg, Gyokuro, Tencha, matcha) have much more caffeine than unshaded tea (Sencha, Bancha, Karigane, Kukicha, Benifuuki).

Infusion and caffeine concentration

Another common question is whether one can influence the caffeine content of tea by a shorter or longer infusion time. For example, if a caffeine-sensitive person could do a better Gyokuro evening when a certain time drawing would be selected. We have all heard the old rule: "For tea, the caffeine content is increased by a longer brewing time". The answer is that this approach is to look critically at green tea for various reasons. Details, refer to the contribution of green tea and caffeine steeping time .

Water temperature and caffeine content

It raises the question whether one can influence the caffeine content by selecting the water temperature of the infusion. The primary answer is no. Even at a temperature of only 60 degrees Celsius, already the majority of the caffeine dissolves relatively quickly in water. Decreasing the temperature is below 50 degrees Celsius to solve Although less caffeine, but hardly more important and other healthy ingredients into the water and still achieve a disproportionately high level of caffeine. Increasing the temperature well above 60 ° C so you lose important ingredients that make caffeine-friendly. The caffeine is chemically unstable at much over 100 degrees Celsius (sublimed from 178 degrees Celsius).

Caffeine in Coffee vs. Tea

caffeine coffee

Coffee beansThe warning voices against the consumption of coffee and its caffeine are numerous. And not without reason. Because the substance is different than in green tea not bound to tannins in coffee, but to the so-called chlorogenic acid. No amino acids in coffee also exist (particularly the L-theanine) as they are available in green and partially in black tea that will make the effect of caffeine much better tolerated. Given the lack of binding to tannins it reaches the coffee through the stomach into higher speed in the bloodstream and causes the lack of effect of combination with amino acids starting from a relatively low consumption of an unrestrained effect or overdose, to a tolerance education in the nerve cells and withdrawal symptoms . The caffeine in coffee arrives for its lack of attachment to the aforementioned substances through the bloodstream to the adrenal cortex. There it triggers the release of the stress hormone adrenaline, which is highly stimulating. To reduce the adrenaline again, it is the body norepinephrine distribute. The unbound caffeine has only a short-lasting effect. This process is stressful for the body and overall energy costs. After the stimulating effect of the organism is therefore even more exhausted than before.

Caffeine in black tea

The same applies to the other stimulant caffeine, such as the black tea or drinks. Again, the caffeine in high doses similar to quickly get into the body, since here also lacks binding to the tannins and the buffering by L-theanine something smaller. The black tea tannins are converted by the fermentation flavors. It is emphasized, however, that in contrast to coffee, a higher content of amino acids present, which is still significantly exceeded by the content in green tea. Thus the caffeine of black tea in the body seems a bit friendly, as the coffee, but still much more burdensome than that of green tea.

The particular caffeine in green tea

As in the preparation of tea, the fermentation of the green leaves of the tea plant is stopped, the remain ingredients of green tea by the process of oxidation and the resulting chemical changes largely spared. Thus, the caffeine in the abundant tannin remains - unlike the black tea and the coffee - bound in green tea. Another important difference is the high content of amino acids in green tea, especially the L-Theanine. See also the article and comparing teas . This bond and the effect in conjunction with the other ingredients makes a big difference to the other caffeinated beverages dar. Because the green tea, the caffeine reaches for his Gerbstoffbindung mainly through the intestine into the blood, and acts in rotation with other valuable ingredients on a very mild and prolonged Art This property can flourish very well the very healthy side of caffeine in the human body.

Unlike the caffeine of coffee, the bound caffeine in green tea does not or hardly directly on the adrenal cortex. Rather, it stimulates the central nervous system at first, which then leads to a much smoother distribution of adrenaline. Accordingly, also norepinephrine, if ever, be used only gently. The effect of the caffeine of green tea keeps thereby also significantly longer.

Positive health effects of caffeine

green tea health
It is used in the health effects of the caffeine so not only the content of the beverage in milligrams (mg), but rather to its interaction and binding with the other ingredients. Numerous studies have pointed to the positive effects of caffeine in green tea.

It should be emphasized that studies have highlighted in recent years, very healthy properties of the self is not bound to tannins caffeine in coffee (particularly in the type of coffee Arabica). This finding seems to spread more and more. Of course, this only applies to consumption of relatively small amounts. In general, the limit of about here is often 300 mg daily called for a healthy adult.

A much healthier effect unfolds but the caffeine in green tea. Here are exceedingly numerous positive effects for health. So the caffeine contributes significantly to the overall excellent health effects of green tea on. However, side effects such as nausea, nervousness, upset stomach, or similar to, it is recommended that measures should be taken until the symptoms are tolerable, or disappeared completely.

Side effects of caffeine in green tea

People react differently to the caffeine in green tea. Although it is here bound to tannins and with L-theanine is compatible, it can still significant side effects show that of falling asleep can not reach dizziness, stomach pain and headache. Furthermore, it is recommended that during pregnancy, no caffeine is ingested and thus no green tea should be drunk. Babies can not break down the caffeine. The recommendation applies even up to 10 weeks of pregnancy, if the mother should feed the baby. According to studies, a significant caffeine intake of about 8 cups of coffee per day leads (about 300 mg of caffeine) to an increased risk of miscarriage and premature birth. But already at 1.5 cups of coffee showed certain studies have negative effects on the baby (lower birth weight). An alternative is the use of Sencha Karigane because this leg has very little caffeine. But our recommendation is in pregnancy and lactation: general waiver of green tea and caffeine.

What to do with sensitivity to caffeine green tea

The strong health benefits of green tea can cause caffeine sensitivity in adequate green tea consumption on its own over time is significantly reduced and possibly better. Also be emphasized that the green tea does not addicted to caffeine as opposed to coffee. Nevertheless, recommended for side effects very not "hineinzuzwingen" in the tea, but to reduce the dose to a tolerable level (but at the proper preparation to stay) to select and pleasant for the time of day tea places. It is very important to drink shortly before or after the green tea plenty of fresh sparkling water. People with increased sensitivity should drink at least the same amount of water. The best advice on how to cope better with the green tea and its caffeine, see the article " Tips in dealing with the caffeine in green tea . "

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