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Saturday, June 15, 2013

Types of Tea

Tea. He is accompanied everywhere these days, and we perceive it as something ordinary, self-evident, that just is. But do we know what is the tea? Do we know the taste of tea? 
There are many people who say, "I do not particularly like tea, I do not like the taste, and I get around without it." In response to this saying I have always conducted an experiment - just regaled the man tea.It is strange, but it works to this day. When asked, "What's that tea? Such a course I like it, "the answer is always the same:" The secret of good tea - to choose and properly prepare. "

As the tea came into our lives?

tea ceremony
Legends on this topic there are countless. So do not dwell on them. Suffice it to say that according to their homeland of tea is China. 
Yet the real historical facts confirm that in the year 552 Buddhist monks taught the Japanese art of proper tea. The latter, in turn, improved the process, creating the basis for his famous tea ceremony today. The concept of "Teizmus" appeared a little later, and it notes the almost religious devotion to this drink. 
During Tyang Dynasty (618-907). tea becomes widespread commercial commodity. Tea has become firmly established in all sectors of society and are no longer treated to the benefits available only to the clergy and the elite. 
in 1610 was made ​​the first shipment of tea from Japan sailboats through on. Java to Amsterdam. Since Holland was 50 years, the only tea importer in Europe. In 1669, this business has entered England. Tea-based monopoly of their East India Company lasted until 1833. By this time the tea reached Europe by land around the vessels. 
tea in Russia was in the mid-17th century, when the caravan from Mongolia was delivered 200 bags of tea as a gift to the birthday of the first king of the Romanov dynasty, Mikhail I. Tea, delivered caravans, enjoyed greater popularity than that by sea, because he was transported by sea to the tarred vats, why he acquired a musty flavor. It is wanting to drown him, the tea began to be used with sugar. 
In 1662, tea has officially hit the court of King Charles II. From that time in Europe tea is acceptable by all sectors of society. 
immigrants from English in the late 17th century tea reaches American shores. Over the years he has won here and myself a lot of fans, especially in the higher strata of society. So organized Tea Partys. In 1760, tea was in third place on the imported goods in New England. 
During the early 20th century tea became popular not only as a beverage but also fashionable in different social strata. Everywhere began to open the «Tea-Houses», and the hotels offer Tea-Time. 
Around the 1913 Argentine Tango comes to Europe, and it very quickly "connect" with the tea. In the "Golden Twenties" was a megahit Tee-Tangos - in pubs and restaurants after the satisfaction of the tea dance tango.

Tea as a plant

The botanical name of tea was not always straightforward. At present, fixed one name Camellia
tea plant
sinensis and two subspecies sinensis (China Tee) and assamica (Assam-Tee). 
Modern stores often comes tea grown from hybrids sinensis and assamica. 
Tea, as well as many gifts of nature, contains a large number of required our body substances: caffeine (tones), tannin (stimulates the activity of the brain), antioxidants (found in green tea), vitamins, and more. 
Tea, as well as coffee, harvested by hand. Only the top two frustrated young escape from the kidney. And they will be green or black tea - depending on the subsequent processing. 
After collecting the leaves are placed in the shade and dried, and then wound (other than white). This process can be carried out by hand or in special installations. During this processing of the tea leaf is allocated juice. It is this juice gives rise to the main stage of the "birth" of tea - fermentation (oxidation of the substances found in tea juice). The higher the degree of fermentation - the darker the shade of tea when brewed. This process can last from several hours to several years (for example, are specific types of Puer, which, like a fine cognac, is characterized by the number of years). The final stage is the drying of tea (or broiling) to eliminate moisture. 
Kinds of tea:
  • green tea.
  • White tea (fermented);
  • Puer (postfermentirovanny tea);
  • oolong (semi-fermented tea, brown tea);
  • red tea (fully fermented black tea);
  • flower and tea with spices;
  • flavored green and black.

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